Mission and Overview

MSAA is a national, nonprofit organization founded in 1970. Our organization is dedicated to improving lives today through ongoing support and direct services to individuals with MS, their families, and their care partners.

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Finding Happiness

A Closer Look at MS and Complementary and Alternative Medicine online video “Imagine the Possibilities – An Introduction to Guided Imagery and Its Potential Benefits for Individuals with MS” “Enjoying […]

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Emotional Health

A Closer Look at the Emotional Impact of MS online video A Closer Look at Managing Stress and MS online video “Grief and Loss in the MS Journey” “Understanding and […]

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Physical Health

A Closer Look at The Benefits of Exercise online video “Aquatic Therapy and Aquatic Exercise” “The Benefits of Physical and Social Activity” “Exercise for Individuals Experiencing Weakness” “The Benefits of […]

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General Information

“Vaccine Safety and MS” “Shingles Overview and Vaccine Safety” “Women with MS” “Men’s Health: Promoting Physical and Emotional Wellbeing with MS” “Partners in Wellness: The Importance of a Positive Doctor-Patient […]

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MS Community Mourns Loss of Devoted Researcher

The entire staff at MSAA is greatly saddened to learn of the recent death of Dr. John F. Kurtzke, a highly accomplished expert in the field of multiple sclerosis research. Dr. Kurtzke was a neuroepidemiologist (a doctor who specializes in researching the development and treatment of neurological diseases) and Professor of Neurology at Georgetown University. He is best known by the MS community for his work in creating the Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale, a vital evaluative tool used by neurologists to determine a patient’s physical status and level of ability. This scale is critical in evaluating disease progression over time, as well as determining the effectiveness of approved and experimental treatments for MS.

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