Research News

In our Research News column, we strive to include any major MS news that has occurred since our previous issue of The Motivator was published. Although much of the information is no longer considered “breaking news,” it is still information that is vital to the MS community and was not available until after the issue date of our last magazine.

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Program Notes: MRI Program, Cooling Accessories for Summer

For more than 12 years, MSAA has successfully operated two programs that provide magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exams for individuals who need assistance to confirm a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis or track its disease progression. Through the expansion of new corporate support, MSAA has been able to combine the MRI Diagnostic and Institute programs into one service, as well as increase the number of clients served in 2015.

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Thoughts about Giving: Leaving a Legacy

MSAA has spent a great deal of time in the last year considering the footprint we make in the MS space. We know there are many more people out there affected by multiple sclerosis than we are currently reaching. We know there are many more for whom a cooling vest, a walker, or an expensive MRI could make the difference in improving their lives. It is our mission to be a leading resource for the entire MS community. This has led to some big plans and some big changes.

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Update of MS Coalition’s DMT Paper Now Available

In August 2014, MSAA posted a news item announcing that the Multiple Sclerosis Coalition (MSC) had published a paper detailing the current evidence that supports the FDA-approved disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) for the long-term treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS). This paper was written expressly for healthcare providers and the health-insurance industry.

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