Sleep Issues

There is nothing like a good night’s sleep to restore oneself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Unfortunately, more than half of people with MS experience difficulty sleeping.
Inadequate sleep leads to fatigue, the most common and one of the most debilitating symptoms of MS. It also causes daytime drowsiness, lack of mental clarity, and a reduced ability to use one’s resources to solve problems.

Many possible causes of sleep problems for people with MS can be identified. These include bladder problems, depression, spasticity, and difficulty with various sleep positions, as well as other sleep issues experienced by anyone, with or without MS.

When sleep issues are not easily resolved, a primary care physician or MS specialist can deal with many issues regarding sleep. However, for recalcitrant or complex sleep disorders, a sleep specialist should be consulted.

Causes of Sleep Problems in MS

Common Sleep Problems that Can Affect Anyone …With or Without MS

Sleep Habits or “Sleep Hygiene” and Strategies to Help

In Conclusion


Updated in May 2024 by Dr. Barry Hendin, MSAA Chief Medical Officer
Original content by David Rintell, EdD

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