MSAA Publications

MSAA Publications

Various Publications from MSAA

All of MSAA’s publications are printed in full color, with large print, and interesting photos. Our explanations are clearly written, using the most up-to-date research available, and all medical information is reviewed by our chief medical officer. We also strive to keep a positive voice throughout our writing. From these efforts, our booklets are comfortable to read and easy to understand, providing important information along with hope for the future.

MSAA publishes a national magazine, The Motivator. This full-color publication provides valuable information and support to individuals with multiple sclerosis, their care partners, family members, and medical professionals.

Please Note: The Motivator is distributed twice per year – early spring and early fall.

To be added to The Motivator mailing list, please complete this form.

To access MSAA’s “What’s New in MS Research” articles, please click here.

Archived articles from MSAA may be accessed here.

“I cannot thank you enough for the recent cognitive issues article in the Winter/Spring 2015 issue of The Motivator. I spent most of the article saying to myself, ‘no wonder!’ There were so many mysteries solved. I have shared it with my caregiver, my family, and friends. It has really helped to explain a lot of things in my life. Thank you again and again.”

J. M. from Saco, ME


Please scroll down for links to previous issues of The Motivator.

Cover of The Motivator - Winter/Spring 2024The Motivator – Winter/Spring 2024: A Closer Look at Diet and MS

This follow-up to MSAA’s previous cover story provides details on popular diets and study findings.

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Cover of About MSAbout MS

This booklet provides an overview of multiple sclerosis and its symptoms, information about treatments, and programs and services available from MSAA.

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Cover of MS Research Update 2020MS Research Update 2020

MSAA’s annual MS Research Update provides a comprehensive overview of the FDA-approved disease-modifying therapies as well as research findings on many experimental treatments.

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Cover of MS Research Update 2019MS Research Update 2019

MSAA’s annual MS Research Update provides a comprehensive overview of the FDA-approved disease-modifying therapies as well as research findings on many experimental treatments.

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Cover of Improving Lives Today! - A Guide to MSAA's Programs and ServicesImproving Lives Today! – A Guide to MSAA’s Programs and Services

This comprehensive resource highlights all of MSAA’s programs and services.

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Cover of MSAA's Programs and Ways to Support Our MissionMSAA’s Programs and Ways to Support Our Mission

This brochure highlights MSAA’s programs and services as well as opportunities to support the organization.

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Cover of MS Relapse ToolkitMS Relapse Toolkit

Helpful tools for understanding MS relapses, learning about treatments, and preparing for these unexpected flare-ups in disease activity.

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Cover of MS Relapse Toolkit Spanish versio Kit de instrumentos para las recaídas de la esclerosis múltiple (EM)

Instrumentos útiles para comprender las recaídas de la EM, aprender sobre tratamientos y prepararse para estos brotes inesperados en la actividad de la enfermedad.

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Cover of Understanding and Treating MS RelapsesUnderstanding and Treating MS Relapses

This brochure provides a basic overview of MS relapses and treatment options.

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Cover of My MS WorkbookMy MS Workbook

Use this to help prepare for appointments with physicians and for discussions with one’s healthcare team.

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Cover of My MS ChecklistMy MS Checklist

Use this to help prepare for appointments and prioritize what is most important in one’s MS management and care plan.

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Cover of Generational Thing ToolkitIt’s a Generational Thing Toolkit: Creating an Understanding of MS Between Parents and Their Children

This document has an array of information and strategies to help improve awareness about MS while reducing stigmas and fears.

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Cover of Spanish language version of Generational Thing ToolkitEs un Asunto Generacional: Creación del entendimiento de la EM entre los padres y sus hijos

Esta guía en PDF tiene una variedad de información y estrategias para ayudar a mejorar el conocimiento sobre la EM mientras reduce los estigmas y los temores.

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Cover of Understanding Progression in MSUnderstanding Progression in MS

Topics covered in this booklet include disease overview, measures and assessment of progression, criteria for diagnosis, treating progression, and healthy living with progressive MS.

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Cover of Employment and MSEmployment and MS

This booklet helps people to assess their current work situation, identify where changes are needed, and learn about valuable resources if choosing to alter their employment path.

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Vaccination Safety in MSVaccination Safety in MS

This informative publication includes FAQs, vaccine types, a chart of common vaccinations according to their level of safety in MS, and the updated AAN guidelines for doctors when recommending vaccines to their patients with MS.

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Seguridad de la vacunación en la EMSeguridad de la vacunación en la EM

Esta publicación informativa incluye preguntas frecuentes, tipos de vacunas, una tabla de vacunas comunes de acuerdo con su nivel de seguridad en la EM y las pautas actualizadas de la AAN para los médicos a la hora de recomendarles vacunas a sus pacientes con EM.

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Cover of Ways to GiveWays to Give

This brochure highlights the many ways donors are able to support MSAA.

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The Evolving LandscapeThe Evolving Landscape in the Management & Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis

Based on discussions with physicians, payers, and specialty pharmacy providers, this publication offers recommendations to improve the efficiency of care delivery; enhance multidisciplinary management; reduce barriers between physicians, payers, and specialty pharmacy providers; and improve continuity of care.

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Cover of What Happened to My Copay Assistance?What Happened to My Copay Assistance?

This brochure explains copay accumulators and the potential impact they may have on the cost of one’s healthcare.

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Cover of Medicare Planning and Multiple SclerosisMedicare Planning and Multiple Sclerosis

This brochure has been designed to serve as an overview of each of the four parts of Medicare, with a particular focus on important questions that everyone should consider before selecting his or her plan.

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Cover of The Affordable Care Act and Multiple SclerosisThe Affordable Care Act and Multiple Sclerosis

This brochure provides a general overview of the Affordable Healthcare Act as well as specific insights into key areas that will significantly impact the MS community.

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Cover of Aquatic Exercise and Multiple Sclerosis: A Guide for PatientsAquatic Exercise and Multiple Sclerosis: A Guide for Patients

This publication provides a wealth of information for people living with MS who wish to incorporate swimming and aquatic exercise into their healthy lifestyle.

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Cover of Mommy's StoryMommy’s Story: An introduction for younger children to learn about a parent’s MS

This addition to the MSAA family of publications encourages parents with multiple sclerosis to begin the conversation about the diagnosis and ongoing implications of MS with young children. This 16-page book is geared for children ages three to seven.

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Cover of Daddy's StoryDaddy’s Story: An introduction for younger children to learn about a parent’s MS

This addition to the MSAA family of publications encourages parents with multiple sclerosis to begin the conversation about the diagnosis and ongoing implications of MS with young children. This 16-page book is geared for children ages three to seven.

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Cover of Understanding and Treating Depression in Multiple SclerosisUnderstanding and Treating Depression in Multiple Sclerosis

This booklet will help increase one’s understanding of depression, and contains useful tips for coping with depression, a common symptom of MS that is often overlooked.

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Cover of The Confusing World of Clinical Trials: A Guide for Patients and FamiliesThe Confusing World of Clinical Trials: A Guide for Patients and Families

This booklet explains the clinical trial process as well as the types and phases of trials.

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Issues of The Motivator

Cover of The Motivator - Summer/Fall 2023The Motivator – Summer/Fall 2023: The Importance of Diet and Nutrition in MS

Medical professionals provide insights into healthy food choices for people living with MS.

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Cover of The Motivator - Winter/Spring 2023The Motivator – Winter/Spring 2023: Aging Well with MS – Part Two

In Part Two of this two-part series, clinical trials and the science behind aging with MS are explored.

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Cover of The Motivator - Summer/Fall 2022The Motivator – Summer/Fall 2022: Aging Well with MS

In Part One of this two-part series, MS community members and MS specialists provide vital strategies for aging well with MS.

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Cover of The Motivator - Winter/Spring 2022The Motivator – Winter/Spring 2022: The Therapeutic Value of the Arts

Different art forms are featured, along with the many benefits they can provide for individuals with MS.

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Cover of The Motivator - Summer/Fall 2021The Motivator – Summer/Fall 2021: Planning for the Future

Featuring experts in the field, details are provided on options for future care and how to plan ahead financially.

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Cover of The Motivator - Winter/Spring 2021The Motivator – Winter/Spring 2021: Finding Purpose in Life

Finding and embracing your purpose in life may actually play a part in your physical and mental health.

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Cover of The Motivator - Summer/Fall 2020The Motivator – Summer/Fall 2020: Promoting Mental and Emotional Wellness During Difficult Times

Information on the types of and treatments for depression and anxiety, plus wellness strategies and resources.

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Cover of The Motivator - Winter/Spring 2020The Motivator – Winter/Spring 2020: Coping with the Emotional, Physical, and Mental Effects of a Pandemic

Wellness strategies and resources are provided to help cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Cover of The Motivator - Summer/Fall 2019The Motivator – Summer/Fall 2019: Pediatric MS

This issue explains how pediatric MS differs from MS in adults, how it is diagnosed and treated, and how social and emotional well-being is promoted.

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Cover of The Motivator - Winter/Spring 2019The Motivator – Winter/Spring 2019: Planning for Your Future

This article defines the legal and financial decisions and documents that need to be considered when planning for the future.

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Cover of The Motivator - Summer/Fall 2018Summer/Fall 2018: Revealing the Mysteries behind Magnetic Resonance Imaging

An overview of the MRI for individuals with MS – how it works, what it shows, the challenges it presents, and how the MRI is used to monitor disease activity.

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Cover of The Motivator - Winter/Spring 2018The Motivator – Winter/Spring 2018: Finding Direction When Newly Diagnosed

Topics include MS basics, treatment options, details on symptoms, relationships, employment issues, SSDI, and more.

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Cover of The Motivator - Summer/Fall 2017Summer/Fall 2017: Home and Lifestyle Modifications for Safety and Accessibility

Various strategies are presented for better living at home, from strategically placed grab bars for safety, to building ramps and widening doorways for increased accessibility.

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Cover of The Motivator - Winter/Spring 2017Winter/Spring 2017: Disease Effects and Needs of Minority Populations with MS

New findings on diagnosis, symptoms, disease course, treatment response, and access to care are among the many issues presented in this article.

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Cover of The Motivator - Summer/Fall 2016Summer/Fall 2016: The Joys and Challenges of a Service Dog Partnership

Dr. Darbi Haynes-Lawrence takes readers along her eventful journey to partner with a service dog, encountering many benefits and hurdles along the way.

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Cover of The Motivator - Winter/Spring 2016Winter/Spring 2016: Making the Most of Our Relationships

From family and friends to employers and coworkers, the diagnosis of MS can impact how we interact and care for one another.

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Cover of The Motivator - Summer/Fall 2015Summer/Fall 2015: Wellness in MS

How good food choices, exercise, correct posture, and other lifestyle changes can have a positive influence on your overall health.

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Cover of The Motivator - Winter/Spring 2015Winter/Spring 2015: Cognitive Issues with MS: Research, Strategies, and Support

Study results and treatment strategies for this challenging symptom are presented.

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Cover of The Motivator - Summer/Fall 2014Summer/Fall 2014: Care Partners: The People Who Make a Difference in Our Lives

This article highlights the responsibilities, challenges, and rewards of caring for a loved one.

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The Motivator Winter/Spring 2014 Publication CoverWinter/Spring 2014: The Emotional and Psychological Symptoms of MS

Symptoms and treatments for depression, anxiety, and PBA are given, along with important information on how these symptoms affect roles and relationships, sexual function, and self image.

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Cover of The Motivator - Summer/Fall 2013Summer/Fall 2013: Managing the Physical Symptoms of MS

Topics include mobility, spasticity, tremor and balance, bladder and bowel, sexual dysfunction, speech and swallowing, and weakness.

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The Motivator Winter/Spring 2013 Publication CoverWinter/Spring 2013: The Hidden Symptoms of MS

Hard-to-see symptoms including pain, fatigue, sleep, cognition, and vision are examined in this article.

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Cover of The Motivator - Summer/Fall 2012Summer/Fall 2012: The Evolution of MS Diagnosis, Treatment, and Care

Seventeen experts in the MS field talk about the many developments leading to today’s protocol for caring for individuals with MS.

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The Motivator Winter/Spring 2012 Publication CoverWinter/Spring 2012: The Benefits of Physical and Social Activity

This article reveals the therapeutic value of exercise and friendship for members of the MS community.

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