Lisa Cymbalist

2024 MSAA Art Showcase Entrants

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Lisa Cymbalist – Jeffersonville, IN

You can plan your life out, happily following your dreams, and then “bang!” a roadblock comes out of nowhere. I was an elementary teacher, mother, and wife, and I took great pride in who I was. However, life happens. In the spring of 2014, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, and in 2019, I had to retire. I was devastated! I felt as though I had lost my identity. Then, I discovered pour painting, and it is a perfect analogy to life. You can have a plan, have all of the right paints, mediums, and tools, and something goes awry. You must adapt, adjust, and modify. Sometimes, it’s as easy as stepping back and looking at it from a different angle. Sometimes, you have to scrape the canvas and start over. So, I used to pour my heart out teaching, now, I pour my heart differently.

Dragon’s Breath

Dragon's Breath



