Karen Loftus
2023 MSAA Art Showcase Entrants
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Karen Loftus – Salem, OR
In 2013 I was diagnosed with RMS and disabled from work in 2016. In 2017, I began painting again after a 30-year hiatus. After a paralyzing relapse in 2019, I also lost the use of my right hand due to Myelomalacia caused by a lesion on my spinal cord at C6-C7. The doctors confirmed that I additionally have Brown-Séquard syndrome.
I had to learn to do everything with my left hand: including writing and painting – not giving up on those! More recently, I regained the ‘curl’ in my index and ring fingers on the right hand, enabling me to hold a paintbrush – enough to swish anyway.
As well as physical therapy, painting helps me stay positive and active. It helps me focus on being healthy and happy.
A Smile For Me

Neurons Coming Back To Life

A Mountain View