Michael Schmit – Malibu, CA

2019 MSAA MS Ability Art Showcase Entrants

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Michael Schmit – Malibu, CA

I’ve been suffering with MS for the last 31 years and have come to realize through my attendance of art therapy classes at the MS Achievement Center, how art can help in dealing with the disabilities associated with this frustrating and destructive disease. It makes you aware that there is still something positive and fulfilling even with this disease showing you every day how debilitated you’ve become.

It helps by instilling and energizing the creative spirit that is part of us all. I don’t consider myself any kind of great artist by any means, but when I finish a project that somewhat resembles reality it does negate the negative and depressive feelings I think all sufferers of this disease deal with on a daily basis. It takes one’s mind off the every day 24/7 cable news noise and negativity and focuses your attention on what’s positive with the world and human kind.

In a proactive way, at least for me, it helps with my physical therapy in that it makes me more aware of my hand-eye coordination problems and gives credence to that old, “if you don’t use it you’ll lose it” maxim that’s true for everybody, especially those of us afflicted with MS.

The Bear
The Bear