Carrie Wheeler – Plymouth, MI

2018 MSAA Four Seasons Art Showcase Entrants

Previous: Claudia Van HoltNext: Joan Worth

Carrie Wheeler – Plymouth, MI

I was 23 when I received my MS diagnosis. I was already disabled, but having optic neuritis several times made me realize how precious my eyesight was. I began to paint furiously. I painted my symptoms the best way I could, to both record them for myself and to show others what I went through. I make no apologies for the content of my work, whether it makes people uncomfortable or not.

Now, I’m on a medication that has kept me in remission for years so I began to paint a variety of other subjects, exploring light and shadow, with still life’s, people, and abstract. I find an artist who does not do art is slowly committing suicide and I am living.

Brilliance on the Lake
Brilliance on the Lake

The Pond in Spring
The Pond in Spring

The Pond in Winter
The Pond in Winter