Up Front: MSAA’s New Home

By Douglas G. Franklin
MSAA President and CEO
Many of us have been hit hard this winter with particularly cold weather and lots of snow – including Boston at 103-plus inches – but as they say in the literature, “hope springs eternal.” With this spring season upon us, we are all looking forward to longer days of sunlight and milder weather… along with other annual activities… such as spring cleaning! For MSAA, spring cleaning has taken on new meaning, as our headquarters is moving to a new location here in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.
Our new building is approximately two miles from our current location. This new office space is undergoing renovations and upgrading, which will allow for programmatic expansion in the future. Our current building has served us well since MSAA bought it in 1995, but this is now an opportune time to sell, given all of the new commercial development around us. MSAA’s new premises will be a good fit for our national headquarters as we move to a quieter street and make a profit on the transaction in the process.
In addition, the size and layout of our new headquarters will allow for greater improvements in our computer systems and other technology. Any improvements in these areas will enable us to serve the MS community even more efficiently, and this is exciting news. We expect to make our move in June and the new MSAA address will be:
375 Kings Highway North
Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08034
Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08034
Our phone number, email, and website address will all remain the same. Together, we will continue our efforts of Improving Lives Today! In closing, I want to thank all of our supporters and friends across the country who continue to help us help others. Together we are making good things happen!
Doug Franklin joined MSAA as President & CEO in 1999. He has a distinguished career in nonprofit leadership and is a former national trainer in strategic planning for the Peter Drucker Foundation. A published international expert in social marketing and corporate social investment, he is a graduate of four universities and holds dual certifications in two professional associations. He currently serves on the National Board of the Key Philanthropic Organizations Committee of the American Society of Association Executives and as President of the Multiple Sclerosis Coalition.