By offering information and guidance

Improving Lives Today…

By offering information and guidance

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“I just wanted to really compliment you on this issue of your magazine. I have MS. I just think this is the greatest magazine talking about nutrition, diet, and how exercise has an impact on everything. Thank you very much.”

– D.P. from California

Through a wide array of print, electronic, and web-based formats, MSAA provides current and easy-to-understand information as well as supportive resources on multiple sclerosis to individuals living with the disease and to their families. Additionally, the information presented explains, encourages, and promotes successful strategies to achieve overall wellness and positive health outcomes.

MSAA’s website, With approximately one million visits annually, MSAA’s comprehensive website provides a wealth of targeted information addressing all aspects of the disease, including currently approved treatments, symptom-management techniques, and resources on how to adjust to the illness. The website also includes a news section to announce breaking MS news and updates, a listing of educational programs and other activities on the calendar of events, videos and archived webinars, interactive features – including a chat feature, blog, and social media plugins – and a variety of downloadable tools and guides.

Publications: All of MSAA’s award-winning publications are printed in full color, with large print and interesting photos. Our explanations are clearly written, using the most up-to-date research available, and all medical information is reviewed by our Chief Medical Consultant. We provide important information along with hope for the future.

MSAA publishes a national magazine, The Motivator, twice per year and the widely acclaimed MS Research Update, annually. Additional publications include booklets and brochures covering topics such as explaining MS to young children, understanding depression in MS, managing MS relapses, discovering the benefits of aquatic exercise, obtaining health insurance, and other important issues affecting the MS community. Please visit or call (800) 532-7667 for more information.

Multiple Sclerosis Information (MSi) videos: MSAA offers a growing library of award-winning, on-demand video programming and archived webinars. These programs feature healthcare professionals who provide valuable insights and updated information on the latest advances in MS research, disease and symptom management, wellness strategies, and more. Please visit for more information.

Lending Library: As one of MSAA’s longstanding and popular services, the Lending Library program offers a comprehensive array of books and DVDs organized into 10 categories that address disease and symptom-management updates, diet and exercise information, coping strategies offered by people living with MS, caregiving needs, and many other important topic areas. MSAA covers all outbound and return postage as participants can borrow one title at a time for up to 45 days. Please visit for more information.

My Health Insurance Guide: Individuals with MS must consider an extraordinary number of factors when determining their health insurance coverage, including policy selections that impact costs as well as the ability to access treating specialists, disease and symptom-management medications, rehabilitation services, and more. My Health Insurance Guide is MSAA’s online portal aimed at assisting the MS community with understanding the many details surrounding today’s health insurance options, with specific focus on the Health Insurance Marketplace under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and Medicaid. To learn more, please visit

My MS Journey: Whether newly diagnosed or living with multiple sclerosis for many years, MSAA recognizes that each person’s journey with MS is unique, complex, and ever-changing. To help individuals with MS find a clear, direct path to information they need now, MSAA developed My MS Journey, found at This robust web portal guides visitors along the site through current and evergreen articles, useful links, and a wealth of on-demand videos and archived webinars. My MS Journey organizes MS-specific content and information into three distinct channels:

  • Just Starting Out – appropriate information guiding newly or recently diagnosed individuals
  • Staying On Course – targeted resources to help strengthen the day-to-day management of MS
  • The Seasoned Traveler – support services to address mobility, independence, and caregiving needs