Section 6: COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19 Resources
The following are a list of trusted resources for COVID-19 facts and updates:
- WHO – World Health Organization COVID-19 information
- CDC –Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 information
- FDA – U.S. Food & Drug Administration COVID-19 Educational Resources
- FDA’s multilingual COVID-19 resource
- FDA guidelines to stop the spread of infection
- NIH – National Institutes of Health COVID-19 Research
- AAN – American Academy of Neurology COVID-19 Resource
- NYT – New York Times dedicated COVID-19 pandemic news
- NYT Vaccine Tracker
- WaPo – Washington Post dedicated coronavirus news
- COVID-19 Event Risk Assessment Planning Tool to see what the infection rate is in your area. This tool is a collaborative project by the Georgia Institute of Technology, Applied Bioinformatics Laboratory, and Stanford University.
- ASPR – Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response
Updates on COVID-19 variants of interest or concern: