Karen Loftus

2024 MSAA Art Showcase Entrants

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Karen Loftus – Salem, OR

In 2013 I was diagnosed with RMS. In 2017, I began painting again after a 30-year hiatus. After a relapse in 2019, I was paralyzed down the right side. The doctors also confirmed that I additionally have Brown-Séquard syndrome.

With daily exercise and weekly physical therapy, I’ve regained about 60% of the mobility I lost and gained much-needed independence. I haven’t got my right fingers back yet, but I’ve learned to do everything left-handed, including painting, knitting and crocheting.

Painting is an important outlet for me. I have no particular ‘style’, so feel completely free to paint whatever my MS brain needs to express. Sometimes I start out with an idea and the painting turns into something totally different. How fun!



Talking to Myself

Talking to Myself

Wise Oak

Wise Oak