2015 MSAA Art Showcase Entrants

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Jennifer Attwood – Parker, CO

I was officially diagnosed with Ms in 2007. Since then I had to retire and collect SSDI . I love watercolor but that was not my best media of my art degree in college. I now do this for my own satisfaction and the least expensive art I can do at home. I am 57 , married, and have 4 daughters! All except one have left our nest, the youngest is 21. My husband Edward and I have been married 11 years. Multiple Sclerosis has made us move through many changes but we still live in Colorado! I thank goodness we still live in a neighborhood filled with wildlife too. I walk with a cane and can drive on the good days, excercise on a stationary bike, and try to go swimming for work out pool aerobics! I joined the Showcase last year 20l4 and just hope you enjoy my submitting again this year.


My aquarium foxface rabbit fish and others
My aquarium foxface rabbit fish and others 
 - Artwork