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MSAA’s Lending Library Selections

Multiple Sclerosis: A Guide for the Newly DiagnosedMultiple Sclerosis: A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed

by T. Jock Murray, MD
Demos Health | MSAA Book #316

Author Thomas John “Jock” Murray, MD has been a big part of the MS community for more than half of a century. Among his many contributions as an MS neurologist, educator, researcher, and writer, he was also the founder and past president of the Consortium of MS Centers.

In this fifth edition, Dr. Jock Murray addresses the history of MS and explains what MS is, how it is diagnosed, and its possible causes. He describes treatment options and touches on practical guidelines for living and coping with the disease. He provides important information on employment, financial and life planning, as well as details on research and clinical trials. Helpful references such as a glossary, additional reading, and resources are also included in this informative publication.

Soulful SimplicitySoulful Simplicity

by Courtney Carver
TarcherPerigee | MSAA Book #389

Many short and quick chapters make up this very insightful publication – which is indicative of the book’s main message – to simplify one’s life! The author, Courtney Carver, tells the story of her life prior to and after her diagnosis of MS, and then goes on to explain how she was able to find happiness by removing the overwhelming stress and clutter from her life. In the process, she talks about family, work, and lifestyle – coming to many conclusions about what was wrong and why her life was so challenging.
Courtney’s book includes several short lists of questions and action steps. Recognizing one’s wake-up call, practicing healthy routines, reducing stress by learning to say no, simplifying through clearing debt and clutter, as well as developing positive relationships, are among the many topics addressed.

MSAA Lending Library

To borrow books featured in this column or any other book in MSAA’s Lending Library, please visit mymsaa.org/library to view a list of books available and to complete a form. When ordering a book, please reference the book number listed. Readers may also call MSAA at (800) 532-7667 for more information. MSAA and its clients greatly appreciate any donations made to help build the Lending Library. Please send your book donations to: MSAA Lending Library,
375 Kings Highway North, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
