Whenever a visual problem arises, an ophthalmologist or neuro-ophthalmologist should be consulted. At times, the doctor may decide that the best treatment is to wait for the inflammation to go down and to see if the visual symptoms disappear on their own, reserving steroid treatment for more severe attacks.
If the symptoms are severe, intravenous steroid treatment may be used to reduce the inflammation and accelerate the recovery process. The same steroid treatment used to treat other types of MS relapses is often effective in shortening the duration of visual problems. These are usually given via intravenous injection (IV) for a few days, but steroids may also be given orally. An example of high dose steroids would be 1,000 mg of Solu-Medrol® (IV methylprednisolone).
Steroids may be administered two ways. As mentioned, a high dose of Solu-Medrol may be given through intravenous injection (IV), and this is often given daily for three to five days during an attack. Deltasone® (oral prednisone), Decadron® (oral dexamethasone), or Medrol® (oral methylprednisone) in a pill form may also be administered orally for several days after IV treatment, or they may be taken alone without an earlier IV treatment. While these corticosteroids may shorten multiple sclerosis attacks and help one to recover more quickly, no convincing evidence has been shown that corticosteroids can affect the long-term course of multiple sclerosis. Acthar® Gel and Purified Cortrophin® Gel are other options for treating multiple sclerosis relapses. These are both purified preparations of the hormone adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) in gelatin, given via injection.
Another line of action is through disease-modifying therapies (DMTs). Presently, more than 20 disease-modifying therapies are FDA-approved for treating the relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis. Several studies have shown that these can reduce the number and severity of attacks, reduce disease activity in the brain, and with some treatments, slow disability progression. These reductions in disease activity also reduce the development of visual difficulties.
Several non-pharmaceutical options are also available to help cope with visual changes. For instance, an eye patch is sometimes used to treat diplopia (double vision) when necessary, such as when driving or reading. An ophthalmologist may also offer additional ideas or treatments for specific visual symptoms. Examples include using yellow lenses to tone down light for those experiencing a light sensitivity, or prisms in eye glasses to redirect the image. In other instances, a patient may find ways to simply adjust – as by turning the head to allow better alignment of the eyes.
If visual problems persist, an ophthalmologist who specializes in low vision can help provide low-vision devices that include magnification and computer modifications. This professional can also design a variety of helpful strategies for managing daily activities.
Individuals with multiple sclerosis experiencing visual problems are often comforted by the fact that these symptoms are usually temporary. As with other multiple sclerosis symptoms, as noted earlier, please keep in mind that visual problems in multiple sclerosis may also be worsened by stress, fatigue, infection, certain medications, or an increase in temperature. When possible, avoiding situations that could worsen the symptoms of multiple sclerosis will also help to minimize the occurrence of visual issues.