
Fatigue in multiple sclerosis has been described as an “overwhelming sense of tiredness.” Up to 80 percent of people with multiple sclerosis experience the disabling effects of fatigue. This overwhelming tiredness could occur at any time in the course of multiple sclerosis, and it has not been shown to be related to measures of disability such as the EDSS (Expanded Disability Status Scale). Many people with multiple sclerosis find that fatigue increases as the day goes on, and worsens with a rise in body temperature, which might be caused by hot and humid weather.

Fatigue in multiple sclerosis can be difficult for family members and friends to understand because it is invisible to others. If fatigue is poorly understood, a person with multiple sclerosis who is experiencing fatigue might be characterized as “lazy.” Educating family, friends, and partners about multiple sclerosis fatigue is very important.

Treatments for fatigue in multiple sclerosis include conserving energy, certain types of “easy exercise” (such as yoga and aquatic therapy), controlled cooling if in a hot environment, and medications. Additionally, the healthcare team will need to look for other influences, including poor sleep or poor diet, sedating medications that someone may be taking for treatment of multiple sclerosis or its symptoms, as well as untreated comorbidities such as infection or depression.


Conserving Energy

Energy-Saving Techniques

Relieving Fatigue through Cooling

Medications for Fatigue

Updated in December 2023 by Dr. Barry Hendin, MSAA Chief Medical Officer
Original content reviewed by David Rintell, EdD

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