What’s New in MS Research: March 2021

The first quarter of 2021 has been marked by welcome news on the medical front, and those hopeful developments aren’t limited to the increasing number of COVID-19 vaccinations being given across the country. Significant strides in treating and understanding MS also have been made in these early months of the year, as detailed in this edition of “What’s New in MS Research.”

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Episode 7: Caring for the Care Partner

This program is part of MSAA’s 2021 MS Awareness Month theme: Improving Mental Health and Wellness. Our returning guest, Dr. Amy Sullivan, is a Board Certified, Staff Clinical Health Psychologist and the Director of Behavioral Medicine at the Mellen Center for MS Treatment and Research at the Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Sullivan talks about care partners’ often overlooked but important physical and emotional needs, and provides practical tips and suggestions on ways to avoid care partner burnout.

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