Gretchen Steele

2025 MSAA Art Showcase Entrants

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Gretchen Steele – Coulterville, IL

Gretchen Steele, a lifelong resident of Southern Illinois, has lived with MS for over twenty years. Throughout her journey, she has found great solace in creating various works of art.

Ms. Steele has received numerous awards for her outdoor arts and communication work. She was also inducted into the 2024 Illinois Outdoor Hall of Fame for her contributions to conservation, communication and art. She is frequently published. Ms. Steele began her serious work in photography early in her disease process, following a particularly severe MS relapse when encouraged by her PT and OT to utilize art therapy in her recovery. Working as a freelancer has enabled her to continue to find meaning and work despite disability. “It’s wonderful to be able to produce my art, and during the more difficult periods of my disease process, I can solely focus on my health,” said Steele.

River Otter in Winter

River Otter in Winter

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Winter Fox on the Look Out

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