Sue Lyttle
2024 MSAA Art Showcase Entrants
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Sue Lyttle – Novato, CA
I am an 83-year-old resident of California. For most of my life, I was a graphic designer on a computer. I was an art director for a non-profit journal before I retired. I exhibited my art in various venues around California. Since I retired, I paint for my own pleasure. My first indication of MS was optic neuritis when I was 40. Pretty scary for an artist. I was totally blind for several months… I recovered most of my sight. Now, I am unfocused and colorblind in my right eye. This has proved to be an advantage to my art. I can judge the contrast in my paintings with my colorblind eye. I have had the good luck to have had a mild case of MS with only a few serious relapses and long periods of remission.
Old Books and Telephone

Tomato Soup

Flamingo Fantasy