Martha Sue Meek
2023 MSAA Art Showcase Entrants
View this month’s Artist of the Month
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Martha Sue Meek – Arlington, TX
I don’t remember a time I haven’t loved art! When mother was painting, she would set me up at a place nearby to paint along with her.
I taught art for twenty-five years then retired. M.S. came in with not much warning. I have been active my whole life and then BAM, MS slowed me down.
What has happened to me is my MS, even though I didn’t ask for it, gave me time to reflect and paint! I realized my art would finally give me time to paint more than I ever had before. Art gives me great comfort and peace.
MS is a battle, but I WILL NOT let it dictate how I feel about life!
My faith, art, family, friends and my doctors at UTSW have helped me along the way!
Art, for me, is the best medicine. It heals the soul. That’s one place MS cannot invade!
Dancing for Joy

Cool Flowers

Fun Bouquet