What You Need to Know About COVID-19 and MS – Program 8
Featuring Barry Hendin, MD and Carrie Hersh, DO, MSc, FAAN
Recorded on January 25, 2021, MSAA’s Chief Medical Officer Barry Hendin, MD and the Chair of MSAA’s Healthcare Advisory Council Carrie Hersh, DO, MSc, FAAN discuss the latest updates on the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic at the time of broadcast including the vaccines that have been granted emergency use authorization (EUA) from the FDA. Through an expanded Q & A session, Drs. Hendin and Hersh address questions around vaccine safety and effectiveness, timing with infusion treatments, and other health concerns. Additionally, the program provides insights on following established safety measures, accessing medical care, and tips and strategies on improving physical and mental wellness during the ongoing pandemic.
For a transcript of this program, please click here.
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