Article Published on the Cost Effectiveness for Treating MS

Overview: Much attention has been focused on an article appearing in the July 26 issue of Neurology (vol. 77, pages 355-363) titled, “Cost-effectiveness of disease-modifying therapies for multiple sclerosis.” This article presents the results of a study that looks at several factors in an effort to estimate the overall 10-year expense versus benefit associated with the long-term treatments for MS, in combination with other costs and lost wages.

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Identifying and Meeting the Needs Associated with Primary-Progressive MS

An informative article on primary-progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) appears in the summer 2011 issue of the International Journal of MS Care. “Meeting the Needs of People with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, Their Families, and the Health-Care Community” is part of a collaborative project between the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA) and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS) to recognize the needs of this specific population and to create programs to help answer these needs.

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Multiple Sclerosis Emerging Therapies Collaborative

We are proud to announce the launch of the Multiple Sclerosis Emerging Therapies Collaborative. The Collaborative – which includes the members of the MS Coalition, the American Academy of Neurology, and the VA Multiple Sclerosis Centers of Excellence East and West – has as its mission: To develop and disseminate timely, evidence-based resources to persons affected by multiple sclerosis and health care professionals, in order to  promote optimal, individualized treatment of the disease by facilitating effective communication and medical decision-making.

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Oral Cladribine Denied FDA Approval

EMD Serono, Inc., makers of Cladribine Tablets (an oral formulation of cladribine), announced today that they received a complete response letter (CRL) from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA issues a CRL when it has completed the review of an application. However, in this situation, the FDA was not able to approve the application without additional information. The announcement was disappointing to members of the MS community, who were hoping to see another option added to the list of available disease-modifying therapies for the long-term treatment of MS.

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