Kristina Bear

2025 MSAA Art Showcase Entrants

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Kristina Bear – Cabot, AR

To introduce myself, I am Kristina Bear, I was diagnosed in 2006, the same year we adopted 3 beautiful girls. I am the wife of a great man of 36 years. He has been so supportive of everything I do. We have 5 great kids, and now 11 grandkids. I am truly blessed to have such a large supportive family, including my extended family and friends!

My MS physician recommended I find a hobby to keep my hands moving because I have lost feeling and use of them. I had never tried to paint or draw before in my life, so I thought I’d give it a shot! I have been painting since 2020. I am still learning so much. I try to paint every day. This is my first-ever entry to any art show; thanks for the chance.

Falls Glory

Falls Glory

Sun Kissed

Sun Kissed

Flowers by the Sea

Flowers by the Sea