Sarah Hanniford
2024 MSAA Art Showcase Entrants
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Sarah Hanniford – Pittsburgh, PA
My name is Sarah, and I have been living with MS for over 50 years. I was determined that it would not run or ruin my life but was extremely grateful when drug therapy finally came along! I had four children to keep up with and keep me motivated to keep moving no matter how I felt, and that helped me to be determined to fight this disease anyway I could. I began taking pictures as that was the easiest medium for me to use. My husband and I moved on board a sailboat full-time five years ago, and that is where my interest in nature blossomed. I rose with the sun every day to see what I could capture with my camera and what life would bring. We come inland periodically to be with our children and grandchildren and enjoy family time. Life is good!
Looking from the outside in

Trying to look through brain fog

In a perfect world, everything would reflect how we truly feel