Chenne Richardson – Columbus, OH

2020 MSAA Art Showcase Entrants

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Chenne Richardson – Columbus, OH

Being diagnosed April 2001 with MS created a new pathway into my life. Art has become my vessel of movement, the steps my body can no longer take, as well as the spiritual journey, and my path to immortality.

I have been involved with several art venues including four sponsored by the MS Society Buckeye Chapter, as well as featured pieces through the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America, several banks, and involvement with the “Art for Life” program through the AIDS taskforce. I have had several local paper write-ups, radio, and TV interviews. I am currently constructing an illustrated vegan cookbook. There is life after MS!



Yoga Posture 1
Yoga Posture 1

Yoga Posture 2
Yoga Posture 2

Yoga Posture 3
Yoga Posture 3