2012 MSAA Art Showcase Entrants
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Deborah Byrne – Sarasota, FL
The watercolor art included was painted by Deborah Byrne diagnosed with MS 12/07. I have been painting since the age of 14, starting with oils and changing to watercolor painting about 6 or 7 years ago. I enjoy the challenge that watercolor gives me as it is more difficult to control for exactness. The first painting is a cabin very rustic but bright. The second painting is of Alaska and is very pretty. The third painting is my description of when I changed being diagnosed with having MS. No one can tell you what to expect with this disease, it overtakes your entire life. I was a small business owner, worked trade shows, and had a very active lifestyle. Today I’m much more subdued and take things in stride. I do a lot of research where MS is concerned so to keep walking and to stay as independent as possible. Thanks for the opportunity to share my paintings.