Thoughts about Giving: The Golden Rule
By Erich Fasnacht, Vice President of Development
Fundraising profiles by Kaitlyn Gallagher
At a time and place in our country where there is so much passionate discourse, I continue to find comfort in one maxim that is shared across so many religious, political, and social texts – the Golden Rule – “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” As simple as this is to describe and state, it’s more difficult to actually put into practice. We don’t always see how people are being treated, or what their needs may be.
But I want to think for a moment about that critical phrase that so many people in our community have heard from a doctor at some point in their lives: “You have multiple sclerosis.” From that moment on, their lives have changed. The trajectory of their hopes and dreams are altered. Their plans for physical activities may be changed. The day-to-day scheduling of doctor visits, managing symptoms, and coping with an unpredictable chronic condition becomes a full-time concern. What does the Golden Rule tell us about these individuals, who have just heard this news? What would you have others do if you suddenly found yourself in this situation?
You would want to know that you are not alone… and that resources are available to help you. You would want to know that there is a community of people going through the same experiences… and that many donors are willing to give a helping hand.
Thank you to those individuals, from whatever your walk of life, religious background, or political persuasion, who take the Golden Rule to heart, and do unto others what you would have them do unto you. MSAA is made up of people like you working together to make sure that those who receive an MS diagnosis will also receive vital services to improve their lives – from free safety and mobility equipment, to MRI funding assistance, educational programs, Helpline support, and more!
Please contact me directly with any thoughts you have on donating to MSAA today, or making MSAA part of your legacy giving. Thank you for your support.
Erich Fasnacht
(800) 532-7667 ext. 101
13.1 Miles for the MS Community
On Sunday, July 21, 2019, runner Taylor Tenca will take on her very first half-marathon as a part of Team MSAA, a task that she has been hoping to cross off her “bucket list” for quite some time. Raising awareness for MS is a cause that is close to Taylor’s heart, which is why she’s training hard to cross the finish line at the Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon in Chicago while fundraising for MSAA’s free programs and services. “My strategy is to not get burned out too early into training. Slow and steady training will get me better results,” said Taylor. “I am running with a friend of mine – we hope to keep each other on track and motivate each other to run before or after work, five days a week.” Taylor’s original fundraising goal for her half-marathon journey was $500. To date, Taylor has raised more than $1,000 with the help of her friends and family! We wish Taylor the best of luck as she continues to train and prepare in support of the MS community!
Making Waves with Swim for MS
Swim for MS participant Lee Estep has always loved swimming. She was on the swim team in college and even taught and worked as a Waterfront Director during her time in school. Lee was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2016 – as a result, she started swimming regularly to help manage her MS symptoms – she even swam in the ocean when she was at the Jersey Shore on vacation last summer! Lee is so appreciative of all the support she received from MSAA, especially the cooling vest which allowed her to enjoy the outdoors during the warmer weather. “I was thrilled with the opportunity to be able to give back by asking close friends and family members to support my Swim for MS fundraiser,” said Lee. In 2018, Lee was able to swim on a regular basis and raise more than $500 in support of MSAA’s free programs and services!
Fundraising Made Easy With Facebook
MSAA is pleased to announce two new and exciting ways to support the MS community! Facebook users are now able to create Birthday and Occasion Fundraisers in support of MSAA directly on the social media platform. Facebook Fundraising pages allow you to share your story, tell others about MSAA’s mission, and collect donations to meet your fundraising goals! They are easy to share and will provide your friends and followers with automatic notifications to remind them to contribute to your cause.
Additionally, Swim for MS and Team MSAA endurance participants are now able to connect their MSAA peer-to-peer fundraising pages to Facebook to raise money even faster! Connecting your peer-to-peer fundraiser with Facebook only takes a few clicks and all donations received through Facebook will be reflected on your personal fundraising page and your fundraising thermometer.
Ready to create or connect your fundraiser? Learn more at