2014 MSAA Art Showcase Entrants

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Ken Shaw – Jonesboro, AR

As early as the year 1999, I knew something was wrong. Relapses in subsequent years made me slowly disabled. I couldn’t afford to find out what was wrong with me; thankfully the VA helped me with that. Like a lot of people, I’m sure, I Google-searched my symptoms. My neurologist asked if MS ever appeared on my radar. I told him the whole idea sounded crazy. He was so ashamed to tell me, he just looked at the floor and said ‘I’m sorry’. I remember thinking that I needed to rescue this guy. I said ‘it’s not your fault, you didn’t do it ‘. He was part of the solution. My first question was, ‘Is it going to kill me?’ After 176 shots of Interferon, I’m ok.


Chainsaw - Artwork

Coffee - Artwork

Com Trag
Com Trag - Artwork